Monday, March 26, 2012

Video Race Ideas

I was really inspired by the scanned images of Andre playing the recorder in class. I love the idea of using scanned images and throwing in some effects on final cut it would make for some good visuals.  I would really like to incorporate scanned images, scanned textures of sort sort and some sort of animation on after effects for the video race.  I thought about using my iphone, and still might use it for a little bit of the project but I would like the majority to be done through more traditional animation ideas. I also have played around with a program called "Animation - ish," that would look good for this type of film.  But I never purchased it and was running off a free trial run so i'll have to see if I still have days left for using that software. I have always wanted to do an animation of animals using different objects and textures that I scan in for a film and think it would be a fun idea for the video race. However, realistically I would like more time to complete something like this.  As far as plot or story ideas go I am still trying to come up with a solid story to follow.  I probably will nail this down when I find out the mystery prop ( I guess you could say I work well under pressure.)

I want the tone of this film to be funny.  All of this will be happening in such a quick paced time frame, so I want to incorporate that feeling of urgency into the project, but still make it look sweet!  I think it I tried to make the film dramatic or sad the emotions would be lost and I would not be able to pull it off.

I have never done any sort of video race so I am excited to do this one.  I remember watching some of the 6 x 1 projects the summer class had done last year and they looked like it was a lot of fun to work on, and the end product turned out really cool and inviting! 

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